IQRA Parenting Academy Workshops help families develop the skills they need to create a
nurturing home environment. These educational programs have the three stakeholders in mind;
schools, parents and children. This educational series is available to schools to enrich the
relationship between school, parent and child, increase cooperation, improve communication,
and promote a responsible and self-reliant attitude among children.
IQRA Parenting Academy helps bridge the relationship between schools, parents, and children
while building positive attachments that support all three dynamics. IQRA Parenting Academy
will hold workshops in the school three times a year, so that parents/caregivers can improve and
re-evaluate their methods and practices in providing daily upbringing of the children. These
workshops must be mandatory for parents, so that they can see growth in the positive
attachments that support healthy social-emotional development. During these hands on
workshops parents can form a healthy and productive relationship with their school and
IQRA Parenting Academy workshops are one hour in length and have handouts, a powerpoint and built in time for like minded parents to discuss topics that affect the family. A monthly article in the IQRA Academy newsletter will directly touch on child rearing topics and give additional support to families as they navigate through the pre-school, elementary and teen years. When a school is registered for the week long IQRA’ Leadership Academy and Educational Leadership and Professional Development, the school will get three IQRA Parenting Academy workshops as an additional bonus to their commitment to quality education. The IQRA Parenting Academy workshops can also be purchased for the school without being part of the IQRA Leadership Academy and Educational Leadership and Professional Development. The cost per workshop is $350 for the one hour which includes parent/school/ child contracts, handouts, and IQRA monthly newsletter. Make all your stakeholders invested in the future of own community.
Mindset is a simple discovery by Stanford University professor Carol Dweck’s and how it can affect your family life, business leadership skills, and relationship with teachers. The growth mindset vs. a fixed mindset can make all the difference between success and failure. Learn how you can use proper feedback techniques and parenting skills to help build a growth mindset home that will create success academically and harmony at home.
Adolescence now lasts longer than ever, and the adolescent brain is surprisingly malleable. Learn new discoveries of the 3 R’s of responsibility, reward and regulation system, the desire for adolescent independence and the parent’s role change during this new stage. Laurence Steinberg, one of the world's leading authorities on adolescence, will discuss the teenage brain’s potential for change, the elongation of adolescence as a developmental stage, and the implications of each for how we parents.
What the brain reveals about test taking anxiety and how best to prepare for an exam. Why do some people “choke” on a final test while others thrive? students perform poorly on exams because they’ve overtaxed their “working memory” — the mental scratchpad on which we combine information from our long-term memory with the specifics of the problem in front of us, in the service of finding a solution.
We want to raise kids that have good values, yet we often neglect to talk to our children about dealing with struggles, blessings and the effects of living a blessed life. Having talks about money and how to spend it consciously will planning proactively for the future. Also, a struggle in the classroom, playground or home is a learning experience and how to grow from that hurt.
Social-emotional development includes the child’s experience, expression, and management of emotions and the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with others. It encompasses both intra- and interpersonal processes. How as a parent can we build a home that is social-emotional ready to grow to strong emotional children that have the drive to work hard but also the empathy for others.
Children today don’t just need to know their home address; they need to know their IP address. Kids are growing up in a world where media makes private life public and embarrassing moments viral. Today’s technology can’t be ignored by kids or their parents. The majority of students of all ages will be required to do online research for school assignments this year; most know a friend with a smart phone or an iPad or have one of their own. Current trends include Instagram, Vine, and Snapchat, but every season brings a new wave of technology. Parenting a digital native is a new type of parenting.
Parents and children need to reduce the power struggles and frustration that can erupt over homework. Learn to avoid common parenting traps that contribute to homework hassles for the entire family. Discover tools that will help you manage homework successfully and also build a strong connection with your child.
Bullying is a serious problem and needs adult intervention. When children are bullied, it affects everyone: the target, the bully and the bystanders. Parents can explore the complex issues involved with bullying and arms parents with prevention and intervention strategies. Tools that can help are seeing the warning signs, developing a positive relationship and empowering your child.
$350 for each individual workshop when purchased individually
$2000 for 8 Workshop for one school year, when purchased as a package
Any one workshop will be provided for FREE for a school that is a participant of the Principal Leadership Training program!